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一套基于卫星遥感的中国区近实时气象干旱监测数据集 A Set of Satellite-Based Near Real-Time Meteorological Drought Monitoring Data over China 张学君 苏志诚 吕娟, 刘伟玮, 马苗苗, Peng Jian, 冷国勇 Remote Sensing 2019年02月 SCI 4.118
不同降水情景下城市化对水文过程的影响研究 Impact of urbanization on hydrological processes under different precipitation scenarios 臧文斌 黄诗峰 刘舒,李纪人,付意成,孙亚勇,郑敬伟 Natural Hazards 2019年2月 SCI 2.319
建国以来我国山洪灾害时空演变格局及驱动因素分析 Spatiotemporal Evolution and Driving Factors of China's Flash Flood Disasters Since 1949 刘业森 杨振山 黄耀欢,刘昌军 SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES 2018年12月 SCI 2.258
基于人工智能技术对暴雨灾害风险的快速识别 Rapid identification of rainstorm disaster risks based on an artificial intelligence technology using the 2DPCA method 刘媛媛 李磊 张文海,陈柏纬,刘业森 Atmospheric Research 2019年5月 SCI 4.114
Impact assessment of projected climate change on diffuse phosphorous loss in Xin’anjiang catchment, China 翟晓燕 张永勇 张永勇 Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018年1月 SCI 2.8
A comprehensive flash flood defense system in China: overview, achievements, and outlook 郭良 何秉顺 何秉顺,马美红,常凊睿,李青,张珂,洪阳 Natural Hazards 2018年2月 SCI 1.901
Analysis of flash flood disaster characteristics in China from 2011 to 2015 何秉顺 常凊睿 黄先龙,马美红,常凊睿,涂勇,李青,张珂,洪阳 Natural Hazards 2017年10月 SCI 1.901
不同区域湿润河网提取方法研究 Comparative study of wet channel network extracted from LiDAR data under different climate conditions 刘昌军 刘昌军 王隆范,李煜,辛卓航 Hydrology Research 2017年8月 SCI 1.801
HydroMP - a computing platform for hydrodynamic simulation based on cloud computing 刘荣华 魏加华 Ren Yan,Liu Qi,Wang Guangqian,Shao Songdong,Tang Shuang Journal of Hydroinformatics 2017年9月 SCI 1.797
中国2011年-2016年山洪灾害特征 Characterizing the Flash Flooding Risks from 2011 to 2016 over China 马美红 何秉顺 马美红,何秉顺,万金红,贾鹏飞,郭曦蓉,高亮,Lane W. Maguire,洪阳 water 2018年5月 SCI 2.069
我国黄淮海地区极端气温变化趋势研究 Trends in extreme temperature indices in Huang-Huai-Hai River Basin of China during 1961-2014 王刚 严登华 何晓燕,刘少华,张诚,邢子强,阚光远,秦天玲,任明磊,李辉 THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY 2018年10月 SCI 2.321
三种双源遥感蒸散模型的蒸散及蒸腾和蒸发分割的对比研究 Intercomparison of Three Two-Source Energy Balance Models for Partitioning Evaporation and Transpiration in Semiarid Climates 杨永民 杨永民 邱建秀,张仁华,黄诗峰,陈胜 remote sensing 2018年10月 SCI 3.406
基于异构并行计算加速混合复合形进化方法的快速水文模型参数率定 Fast hydrological model calibration based on the heterogeneous parallel computing accelerated shuffled complex evolution method 阚光远 阚光远 何晓燕,丁留谦,李纪人,洪阳,左德鹏,任明磊,雷添杰,梁珂 Engineering Optimization 2017年4月 SCI 1.622
中国湿润、半湿润半干旱和干旱流域洪水预报概念性水文模型应用研究 Study on Applicability of Conceptual Hydrological Models for Flood Forecasting in Humid, Semi-Humid Semi-Arid and Arid Basins in China 阚光远 何晓燕 何晓燕,丁留谦,李纪人,梁珂,洪阳 Water 2017年9月 SCI 2.069
一种改进的蓄满产流与汇流相耦合(CREST)的分布式水文模型及其在中国赣江流域的应用验证 An Improved Coupled Routing and Excess Storage (CREST) Distributed Hydrological Model and Its Verification in Ganjiang River Basin, China 阚光远 阚光远 唐国强,杨媛,洪阳,李纪人,丁留谦,何晓燕,梁珂,何连,李占胜,胡友兵,崔要奎 Water 2017年11月 SCI 2.069
利用异构计算加速全局优化方法改进水量模拟与预测,解决水-能源-粮食关系问题 Improving water quantity simulation & forecasting to solve the energy-water-food nexus issue by using heterogeneous computing accelerated global optimization method 阚光远 阚光远 张梦婕,梁珂,王浩,蒋云钟,李纪人,丁留谦,何晓燕,洪阳,左德鹏,鲍振鑫,李超超 Applied Energy 2018年1月 SCI 7.9
一种用于多输入单输出系统模拟的新型耦合数据驱动模型 A novel hybrid data-driven model for multi-input single-output system simulation 阚光远 阚光远 何晓燕,李纪人,丁留谦,张大伟,雷添杰,洪阳,梁珂,左德鹏,鲍振鑫,张梦婕 Neural Computing & Applications 2018年4月 SCI 4.215
中国山洪灾害监测预警系统进展综述 A review of advances in China's flash flood early-warning system 刘昌军 刘昌军 郭良,叶磊,张顺福,赵彦增,宋天宇 natural hazards 2018年4月 SCI 1.901
Modelling the impact of hydrodynamic turbulence on the competition between Microcystis and Chlorella for light 俞茜 李娜 刘昭伟,陈永灿,朱德军,李娜 Ecological Modelling 2018年2月 SCI 2.507
An Improved "Dynamic Control Operation Module" for Cascade Reservoirs 张忠波 耿思敏 何晓燕,张双虎,丁留谦,阚光远,李辉,姜晓明 Water Resour Manage 2017年12月 SCI 2.644
Flood disaster level evaluation using a particle swarm optimization algorithm considering decision-maker's preference 何耀耀 何耀耀 Jinhong Wan, Xiaohui Lei, Hemant Singh Water Science & Technology: Water Supply 2017年10月 SCI 0.674
Integrated approach of hydrological and water quality dynamic 翟晓燕 张永勇 夏军 Science of the Total Environment 2017年11月 SCI 4.9
利用OpenMP、OpenCL、CUDA和OpenACC异构计算加速的SCE-UA全局优化方法 A heterogeneous computing accelerated SCE-UA global optimization method using OpenMP, OpenCL, CUDA, and OpenACC 阚光远 阚光远 何晓燕,丁留谦,李纪人,梁珂,洪阳 Water Science and Technology 2017年10月 SCI 1.1997
基于多核CPU和众核GPU的快速并行混合复合形进化全局优化方法 A Multi-Core CPU and Many-Core GPU Based Fast Parallel Shuffled Complex Evolution Global Optimization Approach 阚光远 阚光远 雷添杰,梁珂,李纪人,丁留谦,何晓燕,喻海军,张大伟,左德鹏,鲍振鑫,MarkAmo-Boateng,胡友兵,张梦婕 IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2017年4月 SCI 4.181
一种用于场次降雨径流模拟的新型数据驱动模型 A new hybrid data-driven model for event-based rainfall-runoff simulation 阚光远 阚光远 李纪人,张行南,丁留谦,何晓燕,梁珂,姜晓明,任明磊,李辉,王帆,张忠波,胡友兵 Neural Computing & Applications 2017年9月 SCI 2.505
基于改进的机器学习方法的日径流模拟研究 Daily streamflow simulation based on the improved machine learning method 阚光远 阚光远 何晓燕,丁留谦,李纪人,洪阳,任明磊,雷添杰,梁珂,左德鹏,黄鹏年 Tecnologia y Ciencias del Agua 2017年3月 SCI 0.096
A One-Source Approach for Estimating Land Surface Heat Fluxes Using Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature 杨永民 邱建秀 Hongbo Su, Qingmei Bai,Suhua Liu, Lu Li,Yilei Yu, Yaoxian Huang remote sensing 2017年1月 SCI 3.244
Estimating Vegetation Water Content of Corn and Soybean Using Different Polarization Ratios Based on L- and S-Band Radar Data 马建威 黄诗峰 黄诗峰,李纪人,李小涛,宋小宁,冷佩,孙亚勇 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2017年3月 SCI 2.761
A Comparison of Flood Control Standards for Reservoir Engineering for Different Countries 任明磊 任明磊 何晓燕,阚光远,王帆,张洪斌,李辉等 water 2017年2月 SCI 1.832
Longitudinal variations of phytoplankton compositions in lake-to-river systems 俞茜 刘昭伟 陈永灿,刘昭伟,朱德军,王皓冉 Limnologica 2017年1月 SCI 1.427
Sponge City Construction in China: A Survey of the Challenges and Opportunities 李辉 王虹 丁留谦,任明磊,李昌志 Water 2017年1月 SCI 1.832
Forecasting and Providing Warnings of Flash Floods for Ungauged Mountainous Areas Based on a Distributed Hydrological Model 王雅莉 刘荣华 郭良,田济扬,张晓蕾,丁留谦,王船海,尚毅梓 Water 2017年10月 SCI 1.832
A Critical Evaluation of the Nonparametric Approach to Estimate Terrestrial Evaporation 杨永民 苏红波 苏红波,Qi Jianwei Advances in Meteorology 2015年1月 SCI 1.107
Temporal and Spatial Variations of Drought in China: Reconstruction from Historical Memorials Archives during 1689-1911 万金红 万金红 Denghua Yan, Guobin Fu, Lu Hao, Yaojie Yue, Ruoxi Li,Yunpeng Li, Jiangang Liu, Jun Deng PLOS ONE 2016年1月 SCI 3.057
基于多核CPU和众核GPU加速的SCE-UA全局优化方法 Accelerating the SCE-UA Global Optimization Method Based on Multi-Core CPU and Many-Core GPU 阚光远 阚光远 梁珂,李纪人,丁留谦,何晓燕,胡友兵,Mark Amo-Boateng  Advances in Meteorology 2016年  3月  SCI 1.107
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